Intel® Smart Edge Open (SE-O) Developer Experience Kit (DEK)

ID 764706
Date 04/30/2024
Version 1.2


Set up NTP and proxy for all nodes if necessary.

Then, complete the preparation for all nodes:

# set variable for later use
export host=$(hostname)

# install and enable sshd
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openssh-server

# SUDO without password
echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$USER

# add hostname into `/etc/hosts`
sudo sed -i "s/localhost.*\$/& $host/" /etc/hosts

Unless otherwise specified, the following operations are performed on the control-plane node.

Set up SSH access to all nodes with authorized key for the control-plane node.

  • Assume the hostname of the control-plane node is $host.

  • Assume the hostname of the worker node is $worker.

# set variable for later use
export worker="TBD" # replace with actual value

# DO leave passphrase as empty

# to self
ssh-copy-id $USER@$host
# to worker
ssh-copy-id $USER@$worker

Set up Python environment for Ansible:

# install python packages
sudo apt install python3-pip pipenv