Performance Index

ID Date Classification
615781 02/07/2025 Public
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Intel Xeon processors are built with 99% renewable electricity and enable up to 51% lower embodied processor product carbon footprint, benefiting customers' scope 3 emissions.

Intel Xeon processors built with 99% renewable electricity enable up to 51% lower embodied processor product carbon footprint, benefitting customers' scope 3 emissions. Embodied Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) information reflects Intel processors that have met production quality criteria. Embodied PCF represents a portion of the climate change impact under a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which evaluates the environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire life cycle.

Intel is a founding member of the Product Attribute to Impact Algorithm (PAIA 2.0) consortium to develop a common approach for product carbon footprint (PCF) and life cycle assessment (LCA) reporting across the ICT industry that is accurate, industry accepted, reproducible, and easy to calculate and share. Intel is leading the integrated circuit (IC) workgroup and working to include renewable electricity use as of one of the data inputs for the PAIA IC module. This will enable OEM customers to take credit from their supply chain's use of renewable electricity while quantifying their PCF.

Intel aspires to release additional information for other stages of the lifecycle once industry-accepted standard processes and data are available.

The World Resources Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol defines three scopes that organizations should use to quantify and report emissions.

Scope 1 emissions are those that come directly from Intel's operations.

Scope 2 emissions are associated with the electricity that Intel purchases to operate its facilities.

Scope 3 emissions include impacts from Intel's supply chain, leased vehicles and commuting, logistics and distribution and other indirect impacts that occur as a result of the company's operations.

The following chart provides exemplar data for a representative sample of Intel Xeon processors to show the renewable electricity impact to the embodied PCF. The embodied PCF includes Scopes 1, 2, and the upstream portion of Scope 3 emissions. We achieved 99% renewable electricity across our global operations in 2023, which enable up to 51% lower embodied PCF of Intel processors. For traceable transparency in our Corporate Sustainability disclosures, the upstream Scope 3 estimate is consistent with Intel's Corporate Responsibility Report and takes into account indirect impacts as recommended by International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 63372 standard (under development) . The data also accounts for the statistical uncertainty due to data sources and assumptions applied to the PCF model to simplify the process.

The product specific methodologies, standards, and available data for estimating PCF vary considerably by company and geographical location and therefore, this data should not be used to compare emissions associated with Intel products to emissions associated with products manufactured by any other company. Intel's approach to modeling the embodied PCF of processors follows recommendations from the International Electrotechnical Commission IEC Technical Report TR 62921, which provides guidance on the quantification methodology for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for computers and monitors. Intel is making these estimates available to customers for informational purposes only. Intel makes no representations about the overall product carbon footprint of products into which Intel processors are incorporated.