ATX Version 3 Multi Rail Desktop Platform Power Supply
Design Guide
Fan Requirements - REQUIRED
An 80 mm axial fan is typically needed to provide enough cooling airflow through a high performance Micro ATX system. Exact CFM requirements vary by application and endues environment, but 25-35 CFM is typical for the fan itself.
For consumer or other noise-sensitive applications, it is recommended that a thermally sensitive fan speed control circuit be used to balance system-level thermal and acoustic performance. The circuit typically senses the temperature of an internal heatsink and/or incoming ambient air and adjusts the fan speed as necessary to keep power supply and system component temperatures within specification. Both the power supply and system designers should be aware of the dependencies of the power supply and system temperatures on the control circuit response curve and fan size and should specify them very carefully.
The power supply fan shall be turned off when PS_ON# is de-asserted (high). In this state, any remaining active power supply circuitry must rely only on passive convection for cooling.