Intel® Ethernet Controller E810 Application Device Queues (ADQ)

Configuration Guide

ID 609008
Date 04/03/2023
Version 2.8
Document Table of Contents

Testing ADQ with Netperf

Netperf is an easily available, widely-used open source benchmark that can showcase the benefits of ADQ on latency, jitter, and transactions per second (tps) in a simple request/response test (TCP_​RR). TCP_​RR is used due to its similarity to database workloads common in datacenters and cloud environments.

netperf is usually tested with an identical server and client connected back-to-back or through a switch. In this case, ADQ is configured on both on the server and on the client, though the configuration is slightly different between the two.

Note:This document is not intended to be a complete netperf configuration guide. Refer to netperf documentation for more details on usage.

There are two options to configure ADQ in both netperf server and client.

  • Option 1: Using ADQ Setup Script
  • Option 2: Using Linux Command Line (Manual Configuration)

Both configuration methods require the completion of the system setup steps in Installation and Configuration – Both Systems prior to configuring the netperf server and client for ADQ in netperf Server and netperf Client.

Note:This section contains the steps for configuring ADQ using the setup script. For manual ADQ configuration, see Appendix: ADQ Configuration Reference (Manual)