Intel® Ethernet Controller E810 Application Device Queues (ADQ)

Configuration Guide

ID 609008
Date 04/03/2023
Version 2.8
Document Table of Contents

Vegeta Clients Configuration

Note: ADQ is not required for the clients. The following example sets up clients without ADQ for use in benchmarking the ADQ or non-ADQ SUT performance using the Vegeta benchmark tool.

The following variables are used in the examples in this section:


From the server, the IP Address of the application server's interface under test.


From the server, the TCP port of the ATS application being run on the server.


The object or page that is tested on ATS.


The ordered list of paths that Linux will search for executables when running a command


The directory where Vegeta files are placed

  1. Perform Vegeta build:


    1. Download Vegeta. wget
    2. Untar Vegeta files. tar xf vegeta_12.8.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz
    3. Add Vegeta to environment variables export PATH="${PATH}:${pathtovegeta}"
  2. Performance Vegeta benchmarking.

    Vegeta is an open-source product used for benchmark HTTP/HTTPS. Tool has many different parameters to modify. For example, it allows you to specify the frequency of requests per second and connections that can be tested on the SUT. Additionally, it can be easily automated using scripts.

    Measurements given by Vegeta are by default time to last byte.

    Vegeta allows to test out many objects test case using targets parameter.

    Note:Average latency is a measure of how fast SUT can respond Note:$ipaddr and $app_​port are the same variables used in SUT configuration

    Example of Vegeta usage:

    echo GEThttp://${ipaddr}:${app_port}/${endpoint} | ./vegeta attack -rate 100/s \ -insecure -duration 300s -timeout 10s -output /root/results.bin -connections 100 -keepalive \ -max-body=0 sleep 300s ./vegeta report -type json -output /root/results.json /root/results.bin