Intel® Pentium® Silver and Intel® Celeron® Processors Datasheet, Volume 1


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Controller Overview

The generic SPI controllers can only be set to operate as a master.

The processor or DMA accesses data through the GSPI port’s transmit and receive FIFOs.

A processor access takes the form of programmed I/O, transferring one FIFO entry per access. Processor accesses must always be 32 bits wide. Processor writes to the FIFOs are 32 bits wide, but the PCH will ignore all bits beyond the programmed FIFO data size. Processor reads to the FIFOs are also 32 bits wide, but the receive data written into the Receive FIFO is stored with ‘0’ in the most significant bits (MSB) down to the programmed data size.

The FIFOs can also be accessed by DMA, which must be in multiples of 1, 2, or 4 bytes, depending upon the EDSS value, and must also transfer one FIFO entry per access.

For writes, the Enhanced SPI takes the data from the transmit FIFO, serializes it, and sends it over the serial wire to the external peripheral. Receive data from the external peripheral on the serial wire is converted to parallel words and stored in the receive FIFO.

A programmable FIFO trigger threshold, when exceeded, generates an interrupt or DMA service request that, if enabled, signals the processor or DMA respectively to empty the Receive FIFO or to refill the Transmit FIFO.

The GSPI controller, as a master, provides the clock signal and controls the chip select line. Commands codes as well as data values are serially transferred on the data signals. The PCH asserts a chip select line to select the corresponding peripheral device with which it wants to communicate. The clock line is brought to the device whether it is selected or not. The clock serves as synchronization of the data communication.