Jasper Lake EDS Vol1


ID Date Version Classification
633935 01/01/2021 Public Content

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Direct Attached Digital Microphone (PDM) Interface

The direct attached digital microphone interface is an optional feature offering connections to PDM based digital microphone modules without the need of audio codecs. This provides the lowest possible platform power with the decimation functionality integrated into the audio host controller. Features for the digital microphone interface are listed as follows:

  • Two DMIC PDM interfaces with each interface capable of supporting up to 2 digital MEMs microphones
  • Low power always listening support for Intel® Wake on Voice (Intel® WOV)
  • Two PCM audio streams (with independent PCM sampling rate: 48 kHz or 16 kHz) per digital mic interface
  • Ultrasound reception capable with higher frequency ranges between 3.84 MHz - 4.8 MHz.